I had gone to Ranganathittu which is near Mysore, around 5 to 6 times before and seen variety of birds. I saw their habitat and loved the nature and it is a very beautiful location.
But this trip was very different from any previous visits, using DSLR, I could see them with lots of details and amazed. Wov, I never knew the birds are so beautiful and colorful when I look through these lens. Their feathers, eyes, legs, colors, God is really great. ! How amazing, how did he decide to give such colors to these birds. How did these birds get their beautiful feathers.....
Look at my main blog for all the other details, planning, nearby places ...etc. Ranganathittu is a day trip from Bangalore and very close to Mysore. Below are the links to these blogs which has all details.
Best Season: November to March.
Mysore and Nearby places: http://myjourneysinindia.blogspot.com/2014/07/mysore-and-nearby-places.html
My top and popular blog on Day trips or Weekend trips from Bangalore is here...
Read and share... http://myjourneysinindia.blogspot.com/2014/07/weekend-breaks-or-day-trips-from.html
Moving onto photos.....
Action shot of Pelicon skimming.... Beautiful eyes, beaks and feathers ! |
Look at the wings !
GIF - Animated flight sequence of Pelicon ! |
Well camouflaged, did you find him? Indian Grey Hornbill ! |
Close shot - Indian Grey Hornbill |
Dont know the name... if you know, add comments ! |
Wov, what an eye and see the sharp thing on his back ! |
Name is so differennt, Greater Thick Knees ???? |
River Tern, What a color in her legs? |
Snowy Egret !, like white peacock ? |
What a color - King Fisher ! |
See the feathers in flight - King Fisher ! |
So cute - Pied King Fisher ! |
He gave respect, did not turn his back at us, faced us ! |
You guys have the blankets to cover ! Fruit Bats ! |
Again dont know the name, add comments if you know ! |
Nesting of Open Billed Storks ! |
Look at the throat, Orange and Yellow colors, and the beak ! Wov ! |
Lovely isn't it ? |
Group of Professional photographers waiting in boat to capture the action shot of birds ! |
There are many Crocs !! |
Look at the skin of the croc ! |
Beautiful, all the tress are occupied ! Do you see them ? |
Painted Stork - Really painted I agree ... Wov, So pinky ! |
Something designs drawn on the feathers ? Cormorant ! |
Look at the eyes, one is blue while the other have black ! |
Did you observe the designs on the feathers ! Like the designs on the Sarees ! |
Wings spread just landed - Painted Stork ! |
Hey why you are looking at me like that, yeah I am wearing Coolers ! |
Very colorful King Fisher ! |
Blog on Mysore and Nearby Places
Popular Blog on Daytrips (or) Weekend breaks from Bangalore
Hope you like the photos and details, add your comments below and share with your friends. !